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March 2017: Diet & Workout Changes

Big shout out to Sarah's Day. You can find her adorable Australian self on YouTube and Instagram sharing her many tips on health and fitness. I only discovered her a couple of weeks ago and I wish I had found her sooner. She has truly inspired me to change how I eat and workout.

For the past year I've been practicing gym routines and macro-tracking from women representing Gymshark and the likes and it seems to really work for many people. They've provided so much motivation but I'm still not as lean as I'd like. Sarah seemed to have gone through a similar situation and seeing her body change to a leaner state has really made me believe that I can achieve the same transformation.

About 80% of changes to your body depends on what you consume, so for the past two weeks I've been following Sarah's technique of making predominantly paleolithic choices: focusing on food offered along the outer walls of the grocery store. Of course I'm not limiting myself completely because that's just not how I work, but I believe it's making a huge difference.

DRINK WATER. I drink as much water as I can possibly remind myself to throughout the day, which means many many bathroom breaks but I swear, in combination with eating cleaner, my skin has never been clearer and I already feel leaner.

Regarding my workouts, I've also switched it up to Sarah's HIIT/Tabata/bodyweight style of training. It's been really fun and refreshing. Her full body workout is below if you're interested in trying it out for yourself!

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