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It's Just One Weekend

I've decided I'd like to blog more in a diary-like fashion, in which I am honest and more focused on my feelings. My life now revolves around Desmond, who is 9.7 months today( Tonight I'd like to start with...

Desmond's Weekend Accomplishments:

  • Practiced climbing down the stairs backwards

  • Changing table meltdowns have significantly reduced by playing "Jump" by Van Halen -- hubby started doing this and it's like magic

  • Saying "mama" a bit more deliberately

  • Banging on the xylophone with a mallet correctly and enthusiastically

  • Waking up past 5:30AM

This past weekend was slightly unfortunate. Usually I look forward to the weekends because my husband, Brandon, helps me watch Desmond. I still stay with Desmond a lot of the time, but the extra hand changing diapers, feeding, etc. feels HUGE when you're the one doing it the majority of the time. This weekend, Brandon had to work on repairing our second bedroom insulation and drywall that were damaged by a leak in our roof.

Thank goodness Brandon is so handy and capable that he's able to do this all himself. We are a single income, yeah, it's fortunate but at the same time, it also meant I didn't get a break. Brandon started this project on Friday, when I discovered how pissy Desmond can get when he knows his daddy is there but not within reach. With the way our house is laid out and Desmond's attention span, it was a challenge to keep him occupied and distracted from his father moving in and out, along with all the loud noises that accompany home improvement work. Desmond's naps were also unusually short, limiting my free time even more.

Still, I always have a lot of time to think when I'm watching Desmond. I think about how extremely tough it'd be to be a single mom. I think about how Brandon would rather be spending the time with us. I think about how lucky I am to be a stay-at-home mom. And I only have ONE child! How can I complain?

I may not have a smile on my face the entire time, but I remind myself of the good things. Like how Brandon squeezed in a grocery trip and I was able to cook dinner and make cookies; or how I've got this amazing mom who brings me cooked meals so that I don't have to cook as much.

I felt selfish a lot this weekend -- it's something I'm always working on. Like hello? It's just one weekend and now you've almost got a functional second bedroom/playroom for much cheaper than if you had to hire someone. Now that it's the end of the night sitting on the couch next to Brandon and Ava, after watching the last episode of Maniac on Netflix, I feel content. Funny how quickly the negative feelings fade away.

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